i must have had my head in the clouds
i completely forgot that my giveaway draw
so, because of my forgetfulness
i will try and redeem myself and my reputation
and draw not 1 name
but 3 names
here are the names all typed and folded
so that my hubby could pick from the bowl
and these are the names
that were picked
1, 2 and 3
pam of plucky maidens junk fest
you won the caged beauty necklace!!
you have won one of lola's
soldered pendants with vintage button and text!!
and jennifer
you have one of lola's limited edition
audrey hepburn breakfast at tiffany's pendants!!
thank you to all who entered my giveaway
i wish i could have picked all your names
pam, charlene and jennifer
please email me your mailing information
so i can get these lola lovelies off to you!